
This week, we have been asked to show images that evoke sounds. I am starting with musical sounds..

First up, the gentle notes of the harp:

And on the subject of musicians, this one was a bit noisier:

Now let’s hear some different sounds of water. First, splashing water on the pavement:

and now we move to a group of fountains at thee Villa d’Este in Lazio, Italy:

and now the louder sound of some waves crashing close to the shore:

For a change in sound, here are some cars racing around the streets of Angoulème in France


And finally, the sounds evoked by this painting of a bull in full charge:

Well, that’s it from me. For more, head over to Donna’s here


  1. I like the fountain photo. I haven’t mastered the art of photographing water as yet. My efforts mostly fall flat when I try, the good ones are by chance rather than knowing what I am doing. Great illustrations all round. And I rather face that bull on a poster than in real life.

  2. Great stuff Sue. I particularly like your watery offerings.

  3. I don’t like the way that bull is looking at me, Sue 🤔. Villa d’Este looks perfect 🩵

  4. Great sounds, Sue, especially the thundering waterfalls

  5. Great choices, the city fountain and waterfall. They are so my sounds. Car races. noice, some love it others not so much

  6. Great choices, Sue. I could imagine the sound of those cars on city streets.

    Best wishes, Pete.

  7. Love the crash of waves on a beach…. I once had a friend whos daughter became a Harpist, he also complained he had to get a van to take her and of course her Harp, to concerts.

  8. These look fantastic Sue.

  9. Terrific choices Sue – loved them all (the harp is especially beautiful) but THAT BULL!!!! Wow, extraordinary.

  10. I can hear the waves the loudest. I love the sound of the sea.

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