Monthly Archives: January 2014


From my travels – where are all the people?


From my travels – where are all the people?

Do you have Nightmares?….

There is a decaying old abandoned building due for demolition that I pass now and again. With a weird/nightmarish/lurid scene on one wall on the upper floor (you fill in the word that fits)… Every time I have passed in

Do you have Nightmares?….

There is a decaying old abandoned building due for demolition that I pass now and again. With a weird/nightmarish/lurid scene on one wall on the upper floor (you fill in the word that fits)… Every time I have passed in

Lingering Look at Windows: Madrid’s Crystal Palace

Today, my blog is off to Madrid, to show a whole expanse of glass in the beautiful glass building that is the Palacio de Cristal (Crystal Palace) in that city’s Parquet del Retiro. I was looking at Pedro Holderbaum’s blog

Lingering Look at Windows: Madrid’s Crystal Palace

Today, my blog is off to Madrid, to show a whole expanse of glass in the beautiful glass building that is the Palacio de Cristal (Crystal Palace) in that city’s Parquet del Retiro. I was looking at Pedro Holderbaum’s blog

A Schloss is to be rebuilt in Berlin…

Yesterday, Mingophoto had a post (check it out here) “Ich bau dir ein Schloss” (I’ll build you a castle… I asked where it was, and was told it was to be rebuilt in the old historical centre of Berlin. Here

A Schloss is to be rebuilt in Berlin…

Yesterday, Mingophoto had a post (check it out here) “Ich bau dir ein Schloss” (I’ll build you a castle… I asked where it was, and was told it was to be rebuilt in the old historical centre of Berlin. Here

Frizztext’s A to Z Challenge: D is for Dürnstein

Today it’s the letter ‘D’. From my travels, shall it be Dorset? Devon? Durham? Dresden? I would need a number of images to do any of these justice… so I’m going for Dürnstein. Dürnstein is a small town in the

Frizztext’s A to Z Challenge: D is for Dürnstein

Today it’s the letter ‘D’. From my travels, shall it be Dorset? Devon? Durham? Dresden? I would need a number of images to do any of these justice… so I’m going for Dürnstein. Dürnstein is a small town in the

Weekly Shoot and Quote Challenge: Imagination

Ese, over at her Blog Ese’s Voice, has challenged us to come up with a quote and an image that say ‘Imagination‘: “The great successful men of the world have used their imagination… they think ahead and create their mental

Weekly Shoot and Quote Challenge: Imagination

Ese, over at her Blog Ese’s Voice, has challenged us to come up with a quote and an image that say ‘Imagination‘: “The great successful men of the world have used their imagination… they think ahead and create their mental

Weekly Travel Theme: Wood

Over at ‘Where’s my Backpack?‘, Ailsa has invited us to show images on the theme of ‘Wood’. I have seen a number of different wood carvers’ work on my travels, both contemporary and old, famous and unknown. I wanted to

Weekly Travel Theme: Wood

Over at ‘Where’s my Backpack?‘, Ailsa has invited us to show images on the theme of ‘Wood’. I have seen a number of different wood carvers’ work on my travels, both contemporary and old, famous and unknown. I wanted to


I have decided it is time for something new….a belated New Year decision! A series entitled ‘One’. Each week I shall post an image containing just one individual in shot (this may morph as time goes on, and I might


I have decided it is time for something new….a belated New Year decision! A series entitled ‘One’. Each week I shall post an image containing just one individual in shot (this may morph as time goes on, and I might