Lens Artists Challenge #303 – Connections

This week, for the Lens-Artists Challenge, Donna asks us to look for the connections we make in our lives. A very short post from me, here are a few images of people I have made brief connections with in my travels First up, a lady in a village in Transylvania:

Now we find a few people in a Turkish village – a restaurant owner.who had taken us to the fish market to choose our fish, and later prepared, cooked and served it; a lady who showed us how she made traditional flatbreads and a lady who hand weaved lovely scarves and showed me the process:

Now for a couple of people I briefly connected with in Portugal- my Tuk-Tuk tour guide who took me around as much of the Alfama area as he was able to in a vehicle (most of it is composed of narrow streets, and steps, thus inaccessible); my tour guide in Porto and a Street busker, who was quite amused by my photographic antics:

Now for two nearer home, both musicians who I spent quite some time chatting to:

Finally, a chef in a small restaurant in Seville, lovely fresh food beautifully cooked and presented, we talked at quite some length of foods and wines and their pairings:


  1. Apost full of lovely connections and, I imagine, memories.

  2. Lovely brief encounters with strangers

  3. Lovely connections, Sue! I remember seeing that beautiful lady before, the scarf weaver.

  4. Great choices, Sue. It is nice to make those photographic connections with local people, and your results show how pleasant that can be.

    Best wishes, Pete.

  5. Lovely faces, full of character, Sue. Time well spent 🤗🩷

  6. I love that you brought us people, Sue. Life is often about everyone who surrounds us, isn’t it?. That must have been a wonderful experience in Turkey to feel so connected to real life through the markets, meals, and livelihood. And musicians? We all love to connect with the music they bring us and yet that connection they have to their instruments, much like that of a chef, is a deep connection too. A great and different look at connections through you. Thank you.

  7. Like Leya, I remember the beautiful scarf lady. Apart from her my favourites are the twinkly musicians.

  8. A splendid set of characterful portraits, I really liked these.

  9. To me meeting people when travelling is the most memorable part of the journey. Great memories here for you Sue

  10. I love the way you approached this prompt. I am thinking about all the casual meetings I have when out and about.

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