
This week our theme is weather… I shall start and end this post with moments when I jumped out of my car to take a photograph of the drama unfolding before me. This first image was taken in the highlands of Scotland. A somewhat indifferent day, then suddenly overhead the darkest of storm clouds, and as I rounded a bend, bright light ahead -such striking contrast:

Continuing on the damp theme, here’s a very rainy day in Berne, over 40 years ago:

We’ll get to sunnier times later, but first some low cloud, mist and fog:

Now for a bit of brightness, albeit with some rather gloomy clouds hovering around :

At last, here’s a view on a sunny day, a scene taken from the shade, looking through the trees onto a brightly lit field:

Through the grasses

And finally, this has to be my favourite weather photograph of all time….One of those moments when the light is just there for you. We had driven up the Stelvio Pass in our old cars to the top, in hideous foggy conditions, and suddenly the fog disappeared, enormous dark rainclouds took over, and there was bright sun at the far end of the valley. The only thing to do was jump out of the cars and take photographs……

linked to Lens Artists here


  1. These are lovely all bring out the weather in them, but I have to say the BW images are my favorite, just moody and full of drama especially the first one.

  2. The last photo is rather special Sue 🙂

  3. Love the moody first image and I love your last one – that road is simply amazing!

  4. A wonderful weather gallery, Sue. Especially like the multilayered shadows and light of the Scottish header.

  5. This must be one of your best posts ever – or since I’ve been following you anyway. Such striking images, and book-ended by such a pictorial anecdote.

  6. All superb, Sue, hard to choose favourites but I especially liked the first photo, followed by ‘Through the grasses’.

  7. We all complain (well, i do) about the weather….but it does make for some great photos. 🫠

  8. Sue

    Thanks, Sarah! Pleased you like my dramatic images, and yes, moody light can be captured in different media, provided we know how best to approach them

  9. I knew you would have a great selection for this theme, and you certainly did!

    Best wishes, Pete.

  10. Great selections. I love the mists. I looked on Google Maps for that Stelvio Pass, The entire road is switchback city! Woof!

  11. I can see that the memories would make that last one extra special, Sue, but I absolutely love the black and white opener.

  12. All beautiful dramatic shots. It is all about the light in photos isn’t it. A lovely selection

  13. The last one certainly is a stunner, Sue.

    And you’ve made great use of gloomy clouds in a few of these. Great post

  14. I would agree with you. A wonderful trek up to Stelvio Pass. Yes, a must car stop!

  15. Wow! These are terrific photos. Beautiful gallery!

  16. Sue

    Ah, well, they’re two of my best!

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