
Debbie is asking us to show Yellow for One Word Sunday. At this time of year, we might like to see daffodils, but I thought I would select splashes of yellow from Cuba, and some from Peru:

Selling cigars to tourists

Linked to One Word Sunday at Debbie’s here


  1. Love that first one, Sue. Cuba is definitely a good place for yellow. Happy Easter! Got company today? 🤗🌷🐣💗

  2. The first one is a whole lot of yellow Sue. Fabulous 🙂

  3. Great choices for yellow, Sue. In Cuba, everyone out posing for photos seemed to choose yellow!

  4. I like the bright yellow in both shots, the wall in very impressive, I often think how different colors look in different countries, I myself could not picture the yellow here, not in that brightness, nor pink or other vibrant color, but there they look great

  5. Oh yes,this sings ‘yellow’!

  6. The yellow really stands out. Good choices, Sue.
    Best wishes, Pete.

  7. What two great photos for yellow. I think I like your first one the best 😀

  8. Super vivid yellows! I like that first shot in particular 🙂

  9. Chap in the yellow shirt chose a good moment to stroll by!

  10. Pingback: Vintage – Travel with Intent

  11. These yellows are lovely indeed 🙂

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