A personal Photo Challenge

Been immersed in finding old photographs in the last couple of days, but I shall change tack for a moment.

It got me thinking about how my approach to photography has changed. In the past, it was all about capturing images of a place, almost snap, snap, snap…although with some attention to composition.

Now, I pay more attention to the light, experiment with motion, slow shutter speed, ICM etc….

On a recent visit to Krakow in Poland, I challenged myself to get some silhouettes, some images that implied motion, a few images with a single person in shot to add to my ‘One’ series and an image or two using ICM. Some of these have already appeared in earlier posts, but hey!

So here goes for the overview:

– Implied motion

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– silhouette

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– One

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I intend to continue to challenge myself when I travel to new places!

I want to link this post to Cathy’s(Wanderessence) Photography invitation here




  1. That was fun, Sue, and gave me some things to think about. Had to look up ICM, though. 🙂 I’m idly wondering whether we often create a theme or title for some of our more interesting photographic mistakes, thus in a sense “legitimizing” them. That in no way implies that your shots are mistakes or not good, but perhaps you see what I mean.


  2. V. interesting overview. Your music and movement ones are wonderfully energetic, and exciting too.

  3. Looks like a lovely trip and great opportunity for photography.

  4. The silhouettes are my favourites, Sue. I love ’em 🙂 🙂

  5. I especially like the secret bicycle in the implied-motion photo…it takes a moment to figure it out.

  6. I do love that many of your pictures are like stories… especially the silhouettes..

  7. I love how you challenged yourself to take your photography to a different level, Sue. I love the implied motion photos, as well as the One photos, especially. I like that idea a lot and need to do that more myself. What fun that you shared these. I’ll link them to my photography post tomorrow! Thanks, Sue! 🙂

  8. You educate me so much – and shame me! I still merely point and shoot, a documenter, not an artist of the camera. At the moment my main photographic goal is keeping my camera safe. It’s off being repaired again.

    The slide show of “ones” is a beauty and so is the silhouettes one. ICM I’m learning to love. You’re getting the effects I hoped for from a train window in my first ignorance. Now to set intentions for the road trip – if I get my camera back in time!

    • Sue

      Oh goodness, I hope you get your camera back soon….what’s wrong this time?
      I’m pleased to be an educator, Meg. For a long time, I was just documenting…then one day I decided I needed to get learning, because the images I was taking didn’t convey emotion….

      • Apparently “This unit has dust/debris throughout the body optics.” They have to “Dismantle unit, remove circuit boards and switch block to perform deep cleanse to all accessible debris in the camera body.
        Update firmware where applicable.
        Check electronic colour and contrast data and brightness levels. Clean exterior and test unit.
        Otherwise unit appears in excellent condition, no other issues found nor quoted for.”

        How can a camera get into that state in four months???

      • Sue

        Hang on…it’s only 4 months old? Do you take it on the beach, in windy conditions? Do you change lenses….if so, do you make sure the camera is facing down, and change the lenses swiftly?

      • Come on! No lenses. And yes I do take it on the beach, and in windy condition, but I’m careful – or at least I thought I was.

      • Sue

        Keep it in a wind proof bag, sealed, and just take it out briefly to grab a shot, and bag it up again…..sand is a real enemy of camera innards!

  9. Wonderful examples of your determination, Sue! That bicycle is my favorite as well.

  10. Suzanne

    Moving from the snap, snap, snap type of photography to something more considered is the journey I’m on to. You didn’t mention your wonderful flower shots here though. To me they will always stand out as some of your best photos.

  11. Interesting technique to transmit the illusion of motion, Sue!

  12. Pingback: la posada in winslow, arizona – ~ wander.essence ~

  13. I remember all of these from this year, but it was good to see them all on one post.
    Best wishes, Pete.

  14. What a good idea to set photography challenges Sue. I am like Meg and just try to document what I see and at the back of my mind I’m thinking of the story the photos will tell on my blog. These are all excellent galleries of the challenges you set for yourself, well done…

  15. Love these motion shots. And isn’t it fun to pull some photos together with a common theme?!

  16. A nice collection, especially the ‘One’ in silhouette.

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